Rabu, 26 November 2014

the hosted network couldn't be started

Fix: The Hosted Network Couldn’t Be Started while setting up Windows as HotSpot

We all know that Windows 7 added the Wireless Hosted Network feature for the first time to the Windows OS, so that you can turn your Windows system into a hotspot for sharing data connection to various devices. We’ve already posted about how to set up Windows as hotspot manually. Today, we came around an issue due to which we were unable to host the hotspot from a Windows 8 system.

The Hosted Network Couldn’t Be Started

Whenever we tried to start the hosted network, Windows ended itself with this error:
The hosted network couldn’t be started.
The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation.
The Hosted Network Couldnt Be Started Fix: The Hosted Network Couldnt Be Started while setting up Windows as HotSpot
Well, this issue can be due to misconfiguration in network adapter settings. We already tried to update even reinstalling the wireless driver, but no luck. Following fixes you can try to solve it:
1. Press Windows Key + R, type ncpa.cpl in the Run dialog box and hit Enter, this should open Network Connections.
NCPA.CPL  Fix: The Hosted Network Couldnt Be Started while setting up Windows as HotSpot
2. In the Network Connections window, select the network you’re going to share. Right click on it and select Properties.
The Hosted Network Couldnt Be Started 3 Fix: The Hosted Network Couldnt Be Started while setting up Windows as HotSpot
3. In the network connection Properties window, switch to Sharing tab. Now enable first two options there as indicated in the screenshot below.
The Hosted Network Couldnt Be Started 4 Fix: The Hosted Network Couldnt Be Started while setting up Windows as HotSpot
Click OK, close the Network Connections window and reboot. Your problem should be fixed by now and if it doesn’t, try the second fix mentioned below.
1. Press Windows Key + R, type devmgmt.msc in the Run dialog box and hit Enter, this should open Device Manager.
DEVMGMT.MSC  Fix: The Hosted Network Couldnt Be Started while setting up Windows as HotSpot
2. In the Device Manager window, expand Network adapters, from the list pick the wireless adapter and do a right click on it and select Properties or simply double click on it.
The Hosted Network Couldnt Be Started 1 Fix: The Hosted Network Couldnt Be Started while setting up Windows as HotSpot
3. In the Properties window, switch to Power Management tab, here make sure that option Allow the computer to turn off 

this device to saThe Hosted Network Couldnt Be Started 2 Fix: The Hosted Network Couldnt Be Started while setting up Windows as HotSpot
Click OK, close Device Manager and reboot the system, issue should be fixed significantly.

source  : http://www.thewindowsclub.com/the-hosted-network-couldnt-be-started

or you can look at this link for the last solution from me


windows 8 tidak bisa shutdown

Pada Kesempatan kali ini  saya akan berbagi tutorial tentang Cara Mengatasi Masalah Shut down di Windows 8. Kadang jika anda baru saja menginstall windows 8 pernah mengalami kejadian seperti ini: Saat laptop anda sudah hidup anda melakukan Sut down kemudian menutupnya dan anda saat membukanya laptop langsung hidup tanpa harus menekan tombol power. Mungkin kejadian seperti itu membuat anda bingung mengira kalau terjadi sesuatu yang tidak beres/ error. Mungkin juga anda berpikir untuk install ulang lagi. Tetapi anda tidak perlu bingung dan tidak perlu menginstall ulang lagi karena semua itu bisa diatasi tutorial dalam artikel ini.
Berikut ini adalah Cara mengatasisi masalah Shut down di windows 8 berikut ini:
- Langkah pertama Masuk ke Power Setting (caranya: gambar batrai diklik lalu pilih "more power options" atau lebih mudahnya tekan tombol "Start menu + X" pada keyboard, lalu pilih power option).
Cara Mengatasi Masalah ShutDownn di Windows 8

- Selanjutnya pilih "Choose what the power button does".
Cara Mengatasi Masalah ShutDownn di Windows 8

- Selanjutnya akan masuk ke System Setting. Pada "when i press the power button" ubah dengan "shutdown". Setelah itu pilih "pilih change settings that are currently unavaible". Hilangkan tanda centang pada "turn on fast statrtup (recommended)". Jika sudah Klik "save changes".
Cara Mengatasi Masalah ShutDownn di Windows 8

- Sudah selesai, silahkan dicoba di shut down, kemudian laptop ditutup dan dibuka lagi. Pastinya Laptop anda sudah kembali normal.
Demikian tutorial yang bisa saya bagikan tentang Cara Mengatasi Masalah Shut Down di Windows 8, semoga tutorial diatas membantu problem anda.